Preschool Enrollment » Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year

Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year

Applications for the 2025-26 school year will be available beginning in March.  Enrollment appointments will take place beginning April 17th.
We serve 4 year olds who were born on and between 9/2/2021-12/1/2021
We serve 3 year olds who were born on and between 12/2/2021-12/1/2022
We now serve 2 year olds who have had their second birthday and do not otherwise meet the definition of "three year old children."
The California State Preschool Program Part-Day (CSPP Part-Day) is a three-hour educational program for children ages three and four years old, with priority given to four year olds. These programs are located at the elementary schools, Andres Duarte and Maxwell. The CSPP Part-Day Program provides personalized learning experiences before children enter kindergarten. 
 *To be eligible for the CALIFORNIA STATE PRESCHOOL PROGRAM, a family must fall at or below the State Income Guidelines
We offer a fee-based option, where families pay a flat monthly rate.  Please call our office to obtain the cost (626) 599-5123. 
Yes. You also must also visit our preschool office to pick up additional registration forms that are not online.
Please register at 
You may want to stop by our office after 11:30 AM when our students have already been dismissed.  Please park in the parking lot on Central Avenue where our entrance gate is also located.
Our office entrance is on Central Avenue.  Please use the gate near Building B, towards the middle of the parking lot.  Ring the doorbell to gain entrance, and follow the blue line that is painted on the floor which will lead you to our office.
•    Proof of Income (last 30 days) If self-employed provide income for the last 3 months
•    Parents work schedule (Full-Day only)
•    Proof of Address (electricity, gas, water, trash, home telephone, etc.)
•    Immunization Record (MUST BE UP-TO-DATE)
•    Birth Certificate(s) (including siblings under 18, Hospital certificates are acceptable for siblings only)
Our preschool classrooms are in session from 8:15 AM-11:15 PM at Andres Duarte and Maxwell.
Full Day
We have two full day classrooms that are dependent on the parent's work schedule at Andres Duarte, for 3 and 4 year olds.*
*There are limited spaces available for drop off before 8 AM and pick up after 3:30 PM.