You're Invited to STEAM Family Fun Night Join us for a FREE family-focused event centered upon Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math hands-on learning activities that are fun for everyone!
2025-26 applications available in March! Enrollment appointments for preschool will be available beginning April 17th. Please stop by our office to pick up an application.
Now Accepting 2-Year-Old Children in Our Part-day Program This school year children who have had their second birthday can enroll into our part-day California State Preschool Program.
ThoughtExchange We need your input on "How can we create parent and family activities that are more inclusive and considerate of diverse backgrounds and cultures?".
Literacy Day We are looking for Guest Readers for our preschool classrooms for Literacy Day on Monday, March 3, 2025.
Career Day Friday, February 21 is Career Day! We are looking for volunteers to come and share briefly with our preschoolers about what you do in your job, career, or profession.